Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I would like to thank--uh, who? and other news

So I've just been absorbing the Golden Globes...first off, it's nice to see some of the folks I've been hearing about--incessantly--win some awards and make some speeches. Even if they didn't expect to make them. Now, I must say, I was pretty pissed off about 9:30 when they said, "Local girl Jennifer Hudson wins big at the Golden Globes," prompting ME to say, "What the hell?? You just ruined the surprise! They haven't announced...it..yet...", then slowly realizing that, perhaps, they HAD announced it--at the beginning of the show--and we had missed it because we were watching the end of "The Illusionist," which my friend had Dell had rented. (Great flick, by the way. Dirk, you were right on with this one.) Ah, well, the one speech I'd hoped to watch, and I missed it. Well, YouTube, here I come...

A few observations on the show itself, with apologies to those who will no doubt cover the sartorial aspects of the production:

Forest Whitaker: Dude, did you not think you had a chance of winning? You were nominated, you're a fucking powerhouse actor...go to the fucking men's room, grab some toilet paper and start scribbling that speech...even so, your humility says a lot about the quality of your character. Kudos to you. And many more!

Tom Hanks: Okay, cute intro. Yeah, we get it--Warren Beatty was most promising newcomer in *da da da DAHMMMM* 1962. Got it! Nnnnnnnext! Show the montage and get the hell off the stage. Thankyew!

Warren: Yeah, Tom didn't leave you much time, did he? Well, even so...make the most of it. "Succinct" is your new magic word. Rambling will start those nasty Alzheimers rumors, and you don't want that. Nice shout-out to Jack, Dustin and the others, though...sure sign of a class act.

Jennifer Hudson: Honey, you won! It's OK to smile a little...Beyonce didn't take home no statue, did she? Talent still counts for something--among the foreign press, at least...

What happened to the song from "Bobby?" You know, the one that Aretha Franklin and Mary J. Blige were up for? Not even mentioned, as far as I saw. And after the cute interview with Aretha that I heard on NPR this morning, where Aretha said she'd "love, hug, and kiss" a Golden Globe if she won. Guess they didn't get it. Unless maybe it was another that was announced before we tuned in...but I doubt it. Talent can only count for SO MUCH in this, our commercially-driven, finger-perpetually poised down the throat media world we live in...

No clothing comments...I won't even get started on that. I will say that Felicity Huffman's look was much less anorexic than last year's ceremony. America Ferrara was a breath of fresh air, and such a sweetheart...I look forward to seeing much more from her.

The whole thing ended at 10:00PM, and I was most ready to turn in...I'll look forward to the corporate travesty that is the Oscars real soon.


In other news, Big Girls Eat Cake is on the radio! Well, podcasting, anyway. Tracy, our singer, and Terry, our bassist appeared on the Feast of Fools podcast this week talking about the evolution of our band, the origins of our name, our CD plans, etc. My name is not mentioned on air, but is in the online show notes. They even called me "incomparable." (I was the Feast of Fools live show drummer for a while in 2004. That's how I met all these great folks!)

Later, folks...


Blogger David said...


3:13 PM  
Blogger Feast of Fools said...

Here's a link to the show notes in which you are mentioned.

3:24 AM  
Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

Despite Hudson's win, I think this year's Golden Globes will be known for Isiah Washington working overtime to get himself fired from GREY'S ANATOMY.

Here's hoping he was successful.

12:19 PM  

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