Wednesday, September 03, 2008

A Few Tidbits About "The Reform-Minded" Sarah Palin

Before we watch her speech in a few hours and become infatuated with the mystery that is still Sarah Palin, let's take a look at how well she and McCain have agreed over the years.

The Republicans are preparing an ad describing how much more qualified Palin is than Barack Obama, which is glaringly obvious, don't you think? I mean, after all, what are seven years in the Illinois State Senate, followed by four years in the U.S. Senate when you stack them up against ten-year mayorship of Mayberry Wasilla, a town of 9,000.

Whoopsie. Oh well. At least she'll look pretty in the suit.

Even other Republicans aren't crazy about her. President Reagan's biggest apologist, Peggy Noonan, was caught on an open mike after a segment on NBC today stating that she wasn't the best pick. The word "bullshit" was used.

Who could resist such endorsement?

Oh well. At least she'll look pretty in the suit.


UPDATE (8:45PM): Apparently, the woman believes that we're in Iraq because it's a task from God.

Yes. That's right. John McCain's running mate thinks she's one of The Blues Brothers.


UPDATED UPDATE (9:45pm): Mike Huckabee says that media coverage of the GOP has been tackier than a costume change at a Madonna concert. Um...does that mean you've BEEN to a Madonna concert, Mike? Is...there...something you'd like to tell us?

He also said that all the media criticism has unified the GOP. And so it is, Mike. Kind of like they were unified in not voting for you.


Blogger American Girl said...

Oh Snap! The republicans have been saying he's only served two years in the Senate (hope they have subtracted the years McCain has spent running for president from his tenure, too).

The Blues Brothers were on a mission from God. It wasn't a task like cleaning the blackboard or y'know a war. Getting the band back together required a God sanctioned mission.

Gotta go Mr. 911 is about to spew some bullshit.

10:02 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Well, Bush has gone on record as saying "mission accomplished" in regards to the war. Maybe since it wasn't, in fact, accomplished, it was downgraded to a task.

They said Obama's only served two years in the Senate?? This proves that they're not only dangerously insane, but they can't count. Surely they should remember the thrashing that Alan Keyes took at his hands in 2004.

Oh, wait...they don't WANT to remember Alan Keyes, do they?

The poor jive turkey. He wants desperately to be a Republican, and they want desperately to disassociate themselves from him...

I particularly like how Sarah Palin painted herself as a "small-town outsider." Brilliant.

Because, you know, in a dangerous world full of diplomatic problems, we need to send in some more Elly May Clampett.

10:24 PM  
Blogger Johnny C said...

I watched it on the web... my two thoughts were what the f**k was that baby doing there... and jeez... her half Eskimo husband is hot... It will never work, she sounds way too Canadian.

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to watch that republican crap but it is just too disgusting and filled with lies I mean untruths. All I heard was blah, blah, aborition, blah, blah, blah, gun control, blah, blah, blah, Same old shit, blah. ed

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to watch that republican crap but it is just too disgusting and filled with lies I mean untruths. All I heard was blah, blah, aborition, blah, blah, blah, gun control, blah, blah, blah, Same old shit, blah. ed

8:59 AM  
Blogger American Girl said...

Oh, yeah, she said Eskimo. That wouldn't fly in Canada. Eskimo is a very offensive term. The proper term is Inuit.

9:33 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Well, maybe once this "politics" thing doesn't pan out, Todd and Sarah can hit the road with an act billed as "Eskimo and Hair: The Pie Family."

Kind of like The Poppy Family, only without talent.

10:38 AM  

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