Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blood and Music

I've been away from here for a few days, trying to catch up with work and come down from a really busy weekend.

Friday night, I did a guest bit in Corn Productions' fall show Blood Sausage, playing doomed restaurant critic Richard ("Call me Dick") Face. I was instructed that I could bring my own clothes, but cautioned that they might get some stage blood on them. I wore a pair of old trousers, an inexpensive poly blazer and a shirt that had been ruined in the laundry underneath (the faded spots covered by the blazer).

I got there about 7:00, we ran the critic scene and I spent the first act down in the dressing room. Goodness, I'd forgotten how--erm--"frank" the young people are nowadays! It reminded me of how old I'm was a lot of fun, though, and I hardly got any blood on my clothes at all, although I bruised my elbow real good when I fell down dead. The show runs Wed.-Sats. through November 1. Go see it--but not before you go see Handbag's Haywire! Come on Thursday--I'm doing the box office those nights, and also on Halloween night.

Saturday night, The Joans played at the Girlie-Q Burlesque Halloween Party at The Empty Bottle. Another really good time, and they had a great turnout. Our friend and manager, Gary, videotaped the show, and sent us this tidbit this morning. Here's "Christina!" live:

What appears grey onstage is actually black--such was the trick of the lighting!

Taylor also sent me a copy of the studio mix of "Mad At The Dirt," from the sessions we recorded in July and August at Pragma Studios. I can't post it, because it isn't released yet, but it sounded pretty damned good.

That's all for is stressful, but I'm coping. I'm taking two days off next week, which will be very welcome. I'm looking for a kick-ass Halloween costume. Any ideas? (Do NOT say anything to do with the election. I shall spit.)

Later, taters!


Blogger Stephen R. said...

The Joans ROCK! You guys are the best new band, PERIOD! "CHRISTINA!!!!"

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree you guys rock to Hell and back. I'm thinking maybe you'd look great in an Ironman costume or the Incredible Hulk! ed

12:47 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Stephen: Thanks a whole bunch!! We always love to hear happy listeners, and we appreciate the vote of confidence...

Ed: Ditto to above. And thanks for the costume suggestion. I'll probably just go as a vampire again, though (oh wait--I said "costume," didn't it? :-))

4:38 PM  

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