Friday, November 07, 2008

Since You Asked--Advice the Columnists Wouldn't Dare Give! (Nov. 7, 2008 "America Chooses Correctly" Edition)

DEAR AMY: What do you think of a woman in her 40s who uses the word "whores" to describe 7th-grade girls? The girls in question are schoolmates of this woman's daughter and have limited to no experience with boys. One of them is my daughter.

The woman considers herself to be a good Christian, and she attends church regularly. I am just astounded by this behavior.

What do you think?



I think somebody ought to wash her mouth out with soap. I also think she needs to be reminded that it “takes one to know one” and ask her if there’s something she needs to get off her chest (besides 50 pounds of silicone).

Perhaps her minister should take her aside and tell her that it takes more than coming to church every Sunday and wearing a goofy hat to be a “good Christian.” But make sure he does so in the presence of at least a deacon—if they were alone, this bitch sounds like the type who would accuse him of coming on to her just to be spiteful.

DEAR MARGO: My husband and I have been married for three years. We are both military and in the same field. We have the same exact argument at least twice a month because he does not do his part at home. He is always "tired" from his long workday -- the same one I have. I am also experiencing a high-risk pregnancy and was told by my doctor, in front of my husband, that I should cut back on my daily routine so as not to risk losing this baby -- as I did our first one at 22 weeks.
It has been difficult because if I don't do everything it doesn't get done. This includes bills, housework, cooking, the dog, and I also go to school. All he does after work is play video games and sleep. I can't even get him to look after his own dog. I feel like I am raising him instead of being married to him, and it's wearing me down. After every argument he tells me, "I really am going to start helping out, babe." I even tried doing nothing to see if he would take the hint, but things just started to pile up and it got really gross.

I'm afraid that after the baby comes, if I still feel like I'm doing everything alone, I might as well be alone.



Frankly, I think you might as well be alone now. It’s not like you’re getting any companionship or help from the hubby, and he keeps trying to mollify you with empty promises of helping out.

I know it sucks being a single parent, especially with a new baby, but look at it this way: if you ditch Gomer, you at least won’t have the burden of looking after two kids.

DEAR ELLIE: I recently broke up with my girlfriend of five months because I felt we had few common interests and we're from different backgrounds culturally. Also, she grew up in the city and wants to live there close to her friends and family. I grew up in the country and would like to live there someday.

We're both early 30s. I felt that if we were to marry, I'd have to compromise too much just to be with her, which would create unhappiness and resentment for both.
I feel terrible about ending it and have thought about getting back together. She thought we could work things out. We both like each other a lot and I still have strong feelings for her. Would it be a mistake to get back together, or should I find someone else?



Are you shitting me? You broke up over that? Have you ever heard of suburbs?? This isn’t the Wild, Wild West—you can live close to a city without living in a city.

As young as you are (and not very bright, obviously), you should know that priorities and needs change as life goes on. What’s important to you right now might change in a few years, and compromise is something that both parties do in a relationship.

If she’s willing to try again, I’d advise you NOT to be an idiot this time and to try to work through it. Seriously. Find a little place near a train route. Moron.

DEAR ABBY: My mother-in-law, "Madge," lives 1,400 miles away, and my husband and I rarely see her. Because of issues in the past, I do not care for her company -- and that's putting it mildly.

Yesterday, Madge called my husband and invited herself and my sister-in-law to Thanksgiving dinner with MY family! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I look forward to spending the time with my family, especially those I only get to see a few times a year. How can I tell Madge that they can't come without making them angry?



So what’s the problem? Stick them at one of those kiddie card tables in another room and turn the “Wizard of Oz” on, like my grandma used to do with us at Easter. That should keep them busy and you won’t even have to look at them.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first person in letter one who considers herself a chritian because she goes to church a lot is fooling herself. I can spend every day in a garge but it wouldn't make me a car. Sarah Palin can see Russia from her house but it didn't make her good at foreign relatins. I can see the moon from my yard but it doesn't make me an astronaut.
The last letter were the Mother-in-law invited herelf to Thanksgiving dinner shows what a whimp the man is. He should have told his Mom the plans are made already and no more guests can come. Maybe next year. Now it is still not too late. Make the mommas boy call her up and tell her to make other arrangements. She'll be mad but who the hell cares?
I was overjoyed to learn of Obama's win. It was a bit disappointing to find out that 70% of the Blacks in California voted to rescind the Gay marriage laws. Don't they remember how the majority white people kept voting to deny them rights? ed

3:05 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Yes, but they don't equate that struggle with our struggle. I've even heard AL SHARPTON equate the two, but apparently they weren't listening. We're the new whipping post. And like the old one, we will eventually get fed up and start whupping some ass.

The next generation has no couth and no tact--try telling THEM they can't have equal rights. I fucking dare ya!

4:10 PM  

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