Thursday, August 02, 2007

Another Useful Day At The White House

Amazing. Just when you think the White House can't sink any further, they lower the bar even more. I'll bet if Cheney wasn't made of wood, he could do quite a limbo dance by now.

Not only is Iraq not their fault, but apparently, they're now in the business of issuing insouciant, flippant, pre-emptive statements disavowing their responsibility and saying "I told you so" to communities in crisis. Maybe this is a by-product of Katrina (their reaction to that was famously despicable), but it seems to me as if this is kicking a community when it's down. Of course, that's pretty much how they do things in D.C. Ah...our tax dollars hard at work. Against us.

Maybe it's time they got hit with a natural disaster or two to see how they handle things. Forget that 12th vacation of the year to Crawford, Duh-bya: you have to grab a bucket and bail out the basement. Call your friend "Brownie" to help--I'm sure he'd be delighted.

UPDATE: Bush offers to help. I'm not sure if it may not make things worse, but oh, bless him for offering...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bushie promised quick help to Katrina victims and victims of 9/11 and they're still waiting. If the federal government had not cut the number of inspectors maybe they could have found the problem before it was too late. Once again the feds have cut out good jobs to save money at the cost of safety. I know who I hold responsible.

12:12 PM  
Blogger Stephen R. said...

Is it me or is the entire Bush Administration becoming a FAMILY CIRCLE comic? You know, where something is broken and when the parents ask the kids what happened, they all say, "I don't know" and then we see a ghost named "Ida Know" or some such bullshit in the background.

The sky is LITERALLY falling, George. Quit now before I am forced to put on a blue dress and blow you in the Oval Office.

Things things I'll do for my country...

1:33 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Boy, I hope you've got a helluva gag reflex, Stephen! It'll certainly be put to the test THEN...

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stephen did not have sex with that man? Remember to save the dress. You'll get a medal but I'm sure that Condi will be under his desk waiting. So, you'll have to wait in line.

8:15 PM  

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