Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Crap Fountain of Misfortune...

Today has been the pissiest of days for me...EVERYTHING is setting me off, and I don't know why. Maybe it's the energy.

We were off work yesterday (thank GOD, because that makes one less day towards the weekend THIS week), and I spent the day cleaning my kitchen (as much as I could), rearranging stuff and watching "Isis" on DVD. At first I was appalled at the bad acting I neglected to notice as a child, but then realized that it was never about the acting anyway. It was about the kickass amulet on her headband. And now, it's all about a certain Mr. Brian Cutler...SHIT, he was hot.

I also listened to some of the Martin Luther King Jr. "I Have a Dream Speech" which they played on NPR. Probably the most brilliant and comprehensive speech on contemporary society I've ever heard. Ever. He doesn't just give it to the racists--he gives it to greedy capitalists, corporate heads, and even the rest of us for allowing it all to happen. This speech really had it all. No wonder the white establishment was so threatened by him. He had a marvelous social conscience.

Nice to know we've made such strides against greed and corruption in the last 40 years, isn't it?

So today, back to work, a mountain of paperwork...

And craziness.

Heath Ledger has been found dead in his apartment by his masseuse. The housekeeper who let her in thought he was just sleeping, but not so...I'm really upset by this. I don't give a shit that he was cute, I'm upset because he was such a young guy with his whole life ahead of him and had a new baby. What a terrible waste, and how awful to think of the poor kid growing up without a father.

And now for the petty...

I'm just fucking CRANKY today. I've actually snapped a few times, and I'm not sorry. In fact, I feel better, mainly because it's not directed at anyone personally, so nobody gets offended. They're just rants on stupid systems that no longer work that we seem to hang onto like a dissolving family car that no longer runs--it's preaching to the choir, really.

But there are some things that are personal that drive me insane. Without going into details about the cause, let me just say that if you WANT me to do 15 things at once, DO NOT keep coming over to my desk to ask me stupid fucking pointless questions...chances are I've answered the sons-of-bitches before, so there's no need to keep asking them. Someday, I WILL dump coffee over your head. Also, since you are in a directorial capacity, it might behoove you to at least ACT like you're not always panicking and flipping out. Is that so much to ask? Well, if so, do it anyway--Lord knows I get more asked of ME and I always deliver.

So suck it up, Soupy.

Tonight I will be going to T's in Andersonville to join my friend Stephen and his gang in celebrating his real birthday and have a few drinks. Or perhaps a few dozen.

It depends on my fucking mood. Let's hope it clears up...if not, I hope T's accepts credit cards. I'm not sure I have enough cash in the bank to wash THIS crabby away...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was shocked to learn of Heath Ledger's demise. They said he was surrounded by pills. I wonder if he was battling the same battle many of us face, trying to be straight even though we are Gay? If I was in Chicago I would snuggle up to you and make you feel better. Actually, I'm a big fraidy cat and have only had sex with another in my dreams. If a cute guy knocked on my door I would run and hide. I'm a wuss. Got any pills?haha! Ed

6:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know who could help you out right now? Tom Cruise. He'd have to. It's who he is. It's what he does. And if he doesn't help you feel better go to funnyordie.com and watch Jerry O'Connell make fun of Tom Cruise. Sarah

7:11 PM  
Blogger Stephen R. said...

Shocking news about Heath Ledger. I'll make sure the drinks are flowing tonight to get us in good spirits.

7:26 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Ed: I'm only having sex in my dreams these days, too...somehow it seems less complicated.

Sarah: Cruise is just a whole bag full of Christmas-crazy! I'm definitely going to check out the funnyordie video. Sounds like fun...

Stephen: I had fun last night! It was nice to put so many faces to names finally, and your company is always charming. I'm still going to come see "Lyle" once more and maybe buy a CD...I'm just addicted to that set!

11:22 AM  
Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

Big cyber hug to you, Aaron!

(And while I'm sorry you are in a pissy mood, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one...)

2:23 PM  
Blogger Aaron said...

Dirk: Big cyber hugs back! I hope your day is better today! Mine is--ever so slightly...

3:52 PM  
Blogger BC said...

I loved Isis. So glad to hear it's out on DVD. You made my day, Aaron!

1:15 AM  
Blogger Aaron said...

BC: I don't think you'll be disappointed. I particularly enjoyed "Funny Gal," about the popular girl who thought she was fat and ugly and constantly made jokes at her own expense. I remembered that one from when I was a kid. I also remember the one about the cheerleader who cheats on the test by copying the answer key after she scares Tut out of the room. That's on a different disc.

Speaking of Tut, I read that Joanna Cameron (the Isis actress) HATED that bird (ravens are mean) and kept trying to get the producers to get rid of him, but they wouldn't...:-)

10:46 AM  

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