Scott Roeder, the 51-year-old man who "allegedly" shot Dr. George Tiller, an abortion doctor from a Wichita clinic, is unhappy with his current accommodations, and warns that as long as abortion is legal, more violence can be expected.
Watch us all quiver. Well, who WOULDN'T be afraid of a middle-aged crybaby who
complains that his cell is too cold, he can't use the phone and he has no access to his sleep apnea machine?
Here's a news flash for you, you gibbering bag of shit: you're a MURDERER ("allegedly" or not--your sly way of not answering any questions smacks of Yolanda Saldizar, that whacko bitch who shot Selena, and everyone could tell she was guilty). Whether you like the law or not, it is a LAW, and that makes you an OUTLAW. And here's a little social studies lesson: in our current post-9/11 culture, being an outlaw does not make you a folk hero, but rather a nuisance.
As a(n "alleged") murderer, you have forfeited your rights to the small creature comforts that the rest of us take for granted. So your room's cold and sheets are rough. Hard cheese. But cheer up: you'll still get free meals and and room and board. You'll be doing better than many law-abiding, tax-paying citizens who suddenly found themselves homeless. As long as you don't mind doing a little laundry, making a few license plates, or giving blow jobs when you can't afford to buy cigarettes to give away, why, you have the world on a platter.
As far as the absence of your CPAP machine, you'll just have to improvise: just shove something into your mouth to keep the airway open. I'm sure you have a bunkmate who'd be only too happy to oblige...